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If you are a Senior Software Engineer - (AI & ML) with experience, please read on!

We might be a small team startup company but that doesn't mean we're not fierce and making a huge impact in our industry. With 40% YoY growth we're taking over space at a rapid rate and have no plans of slowing down... don't worry though, even though we work hard here we also make sure that hard work stays within our 8-hour a day / 40-hour a week policy to ensure every employee has time for the fun stuff outside of work!

Our founders know what they're doing - this isn't their first rodeo - they've previously won multiple awards recognized globally with other small companies they've started! By taking care of our employees, being profitable, and offering exceptional value to our clients with our easy to use SaaS product, we've created the key to success.

What You Will Be Doing

Involved with all things Machine Learning & AI in the following areas on your team:

What You Need for this Position